Sunday, August 15, 2010

while I'm here...

     While others are trying to fit in, mold their self image and up hold this lie of life. While others try to find the fits and the material to manage to take away the attention from the sorrow of their eyes. While others try to hide in their walls of material founded in the deaths of others sweat to eat. While others drown themselves in manipulation, mind, body, and soul....


   I'm here in search. Knowing, the search it self is the escape from it all. This, what we think isn't our existence. How I'd throw it all away, the anger, the pride, everything. Just for a moment.... just while I'm here. I guess like soldiers, we fight in...with no explanation given.


  1. For as long as we live in reality's shadow. we will always live in darkness with no sight of a purpose. With that alone we are only left to ourselves to wander alone in search of forever.

    I remember a time where I had to do so much dying in order to live and I still go through this dying today. Letting things go, sacrificing myself to do the things that I may not know what I need to do. I didn't understand what was my purpose for this and why. I was searching for a bigger picture with no idea in the mind of what this picture actually was. I was lost and confused but I kept searching... the kicker is while we search, we tend to find other things that better our lives, our minds, our spirits, which are also closer to helping us find what we have been looking for.

    Thank you for posting.

  2. Sometimes the art of truth is really what sets us free, but we must not be afraid to search for our freedom. after all, anything worth while is not easy.
